
Prosthetic Rehabilitation

Treatment Overview

Prosthetic rehabilitation in the head and neck region focuses on restoring appearance, function, and sometimes even sensation, following surgery, trauma, or congenital defects. Here's a breakdown of how prosthetics are used in different areas:


  • Ocular Prostheses (Artificial Eyes): These custom-made prosthetics replace a missing eye or a significantly damaged eye. They are crafted from medical-grade acrylic or glass to resemble the natural eye in size, shape, and color. The prosthetic eye is placed behind the eyelids and integrates with the surrounding tissues for a natural look.


  • Aural Prostheses (Artificial Ears): These prosthetics are used to reconstruct a missing or malformed ear. They are made from silicone or medical-grade plastic and are attached to the surrounding skin with medical adhesive. Some prosthetics may be implanted under the skin for a more secure fit.


  • Nasal Prostheses (Artificial Noses): These prosthetics are used to reconstruct a partially or completely missing nose. Similar to ear prosthetics, they are made from silicone or medical-grade plastic and are attached to the surrounding skin with medical adhesive. Implant options might also be available.

Head and Neck:

  • Facial Prostheses: These prostheses can restore various facial features like cheeks, lips, chin, or jaw following surgery or trauma. They are made from silicone and are secured using medical adhesives or implant techniques.
  • Cranioplasty Prostheses: These prostheses are used to reconstruct the skull after surgery or trauma. They can be made from various materials like metal, plastic, or synthetic bone substitutes. Cranioplasty prostheses are typically surgically implanted.

Important Considerations:

  • Customization: Prosthetic rehabilitation is a highly individualized process. A team of specialists, including a maxillofacial prosthetist, surgeon, and dentist, collaborate to create a custom prosthesis that matches the patient's unique needs and appearance.
  • Material Selection: The choice of material for a prosthesis depends on factors like the location, size of the defect, and desired functionality. Factors like skin sensitivity and allergies are also taken into account.
  • Attachment Methods: Prosthetic attachment methods can involve adhesives, implants, or a combination of both, depending on the specific case and desired level of security.

Benefits of Prosthetic Rehabilitation:

  • Improved Appearance: Prosthetics can significantly enhance a patient's appearance and boost self-confidence.
  • Restored Function: In some cases, prosthetics can help restore certain functionalities, such as improved speech or swallowing.
  • Enhanced Quality of Life: Prosthetic rehabilitation can significantly improve a patient's quality of life by enabling them to participate more fully in social activities and daily life.