Visitor Restrictions
Click here to see the most current visitor restrictions.
Plan Your Visit: Helpful Links
Whether you’re coming for a doctor’s appointment, or checking in to the hospital, these tips will help you plan your visit to The University of Tennessee Medical Center.
Preregister for Your Appointment
Online pre-registrations are checked Monday-Friday, 8 am-4 pm. Please allow at least one full business day before your appointment for your pre-registration form to be processed. If you have any questions, please contact the Patient Access Office at 865-305-9501.
Prepare for Your Arrival
Please arrive at the Patient Registration Office, located in the main lobby across from the Information Desk, at the time specified by your doctor. The staff will review the admitting information with you and make any necessary corrections.
Simplify your stay at The University of Tennessee Medical Center by knowing what to bring for your visit (and what to leave at home).
What to Bring for Your Visit – Inpatient and Outpatient
To ensure accurate billing information, you will need:
- Social Security Number
- Current insurance identification card
- Medicare card, if applicable
- Completed claim form (if required by your employer)
- Physician orders, medical records, X-rays or other paperwork provided by your physician
- Completed Living Will or Durable Power of Attorney, if available
Inpatients Only
Your doctor will notify The University of Tennessee Medical Center of your admission. If necessary, a representative from the preadmitting office may contact you to compile information that will expedite your admission.
Please arrive at the Patient Registration Office, located in the main lobby of the Heart Hospital behind the Information Desk, at the time specified by your doctor. The staff will review the admitting information with you and make any necessary corrections. You also will be asked to sign medical authorization, insurance and other consent forms. Minors require parental or legal guardian permission for admission.
What You Should Bring
- Nightgown/pajamas
- Robe
- Slippers or socks
- Toiletries such as hairbrush or comb, shampoo, soap, facial tissue, toothbrush and toothpaste.
- Eyeglasses, dentures or hearing aid
- If you currently use a special wheelchair, walker, crutches, cane or other device, please bring it for use during your hospital stay
- Reading materials or stationery
- The names and telephone numbers of two people to contact in case of emergency
What You Should Leave at Home
Medication – If you regularly take medication, please provide a list of these medications, their dosages and times taken or bring them in a bag for your doctors and nurses to review. Send them home with a family member after you have shown them to your nurse. The hospital’s pharmacy will provide any medication your doctor orders. For your safety, please do not take your personal medications while in the hospital.
Jewelry and other valuables – The staff cannot assume responsibility for the loss of or damage to your personal possessions.
Cash or credit cards – You may want to keep enough cash for newspapers or snacks. If you will be leaving your room for procedures or therapy, please ask a family member to keep your wallet or purse.
Personal appliances – Electric shaver, radio or other electrical appliances.
Cigarettes and tobacco products – The University of Tennessee Medical Center maintains a smoke-free/tobacco-free environment for the health, safety and comfort of its patients, visitors and staff. There is no smoking allowed anywhere on the medical center campus. This tobacco ban applies to all patients, families and visitors both inside and on the grounds of the hospital.
Living Will/Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care – Tennessee law ensures your right to make informed decisions about your healthcare including the right to refuse treatment offered to you. You also may give written directions, in advance, about your wishes for healthcare should the time come when you cannot communicate yourself.
These written directions are called advance directives. If you have an advance directive such as a living will or durable power of attorney for healthcare please bring it with you at the time of admission. It is helpful to make such arrangements long before the need arises.
State law requires all hospitals to have advance directive information and forms available. If you would like information on living wills and advance directives, call Nursing Administration at 865-305-9800 and a copy of the Tennessee Hospital Association’s Tennessee Living Wills and Durable Powers of Attorney for Healthcare will be mailed to you.
ADA/Special Services
Please let the Admitting Office know if you need an interpreter (sign language or foreign language) or a room with special accommodations such as TDD/TTY telephones, closed-captioned television or other special needs. If possible, please call 865-305-9501 at least 24 hours in advance.
Identification Wrist Bands
If you are admitted, an identification band will be placed around your wrist. To ensure proper identification, please wear it during your stay. If you lose it, or discover an inaccuracy, tell the nurse and you will receive a new wrist band.
Emergency Admissions
Patients who are critically ill or who are admitted through the Emergency Department will receive immediate attention. Necessary information for record keeping and billing will be obtained from the patient or family members. If information is unattainable during initial treatment, the Admitting Office will contact the patient or family and obtain complete information later.
Hotels for Family & Friends
The University of Tennessee Medical Center has arranged discounted rates at various hotels throughout the city that will be honored at check-in. Please mention UT Medical Center when you make your reservation.