Centers of Excellence

Primary Care Collaborative

How can we help?


What We Do

The primary care doctors at UT Medical center focus on one goal: partnering with you to manage your health needs.

We offer telehealth appointments and timely doctor’s office visits close to where you work and live. We also offer wellness services, like programs to help you stop smoking and lose weight. We'll also help you get the vaccinations you and your family need to keep you healthy. We'll partner with you to manage medical conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure and asthma, referring you to specialists with the medical center as needed.

Our Services

Primary Care Locations

With more than 20 practices around Knoxville, primary care physicians provide superior patient care with compassion and expertise, that aids in the prevention, diagnosis, and management of health issues.

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UT Urgent Care

UT Urgent Care in Northshore, Seymour, Sevierville and Lenoir City are where you can find quality after-hours urgent care and walk-in clinic care from the experts you know.

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Patient Rights & Responsibilities

You are a partner in your hospital care. When you are well-informed, participate in treatment decisions and communicate openly with your doctors and other health professionals, you help make your care as effective as possible.

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