School of Medical Laboratory Science Faculty and Staff

The Medical Laboratory Science program employs a highly trained faculty and staff, including a full-time program director and one part-time instructor. In addition, highly-skilled medical laboratory scientists, laboratory supervisors, and managers instruct students in the classroom and clinical laboratory, providing them with an exceptional level of personalized instruction and clinical expertise.


Read the complete list of staff and faculty credentials.

Medical Adviser/Director

Alan D. Grindstaff, MD

Program Director

LeeAnne Briggs, MPH, MLS(ASCP)CM


Tiffany Alley, DO, PhD

Kimberly Bailey, B.S., MT(ASCP)SI

LeeAnne Briggs, MPH, MLS(ASCP)CM

Mark Cole, B.A., MT(ASCP)SM

Patricia J Coppenger, MT (ASCP)

Patricia Green, B.A., MT (ASCP)SBB

Pam Willis, B.S., MT (ASCP)SM


LeeAnne Briggs, MPH, MLS(ASCP)CM
Program Director, MLS Program
University of Tennessee Medical Center
1924 Alcoa Highway
Knoxville, TN 37920
[email protected]

Shanna Pendergrast, MS
Associate Director
Arts and Science Advising Services
313 Ayres Hall
University of Tennessee
Knoxville, TN 37998-1325
[email protected]

Dr. Heidi Goodrich-Blair, PhD
David and Sandra White Professor
Head of Microbiology
University of Tennessee Knoxville
F331A Walters Life Sciences
Knoxville, TN 37996-0845
[email protected]

Faculty and Staff Associations

American Society of Clinical Pathologists
P.O. Box 4872
Chicago, IL 60880

Suite 720
5600 N. River Road
Rosemont IL 60018
[email protected]

Contact Us

School of Medical Laboratory Science
1924 Alcoa Highway
HR Annex, Floor 2
Knoxville, TN 37920 

LeeAnne Briggs - [email protected]
