November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month. Lung cancer is the most common type of cancer among all Tennesseans. An estimated 6,580 cases will be diagnosed in Tennessee alone this year. Annual lung cancer screening has been shown to reduce the risk of dying from lung cancer by 20 percent.
Drs. Benjamin Bevill, Sean Jordan and Christian Probst helped raise awareness about lung cancer by setting up in the Heart Hospital Lobby Tuesday inviting patients and visitors to learn about lung cancer education, smoking cessation and screening information. There was an inflatable lung to walk in and robotic bronchoscopy equipment to try.
The medical center is also providing lung cancer screenings this Saturday, Nov. 11, in honor of National Lung Cancer Screening Day at the Heart Lung Vascular Institute from 8 a.m.-noon. Qualified patients must register in advance by calling 865-305-5385 Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.