Health TipsOctober 21 2021

These 8 Simple Tips Can Help Prevent Breast Cancer

Five women wearing pink t-shirts in honor of breast cancer awareness

Follow these eight 8 tips for breast health. To help raise awareness during October, National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we are providing these simple tips to help care for your breasts all year round.

Statistics are surprising: The chance of a woman developing breast cancer during her life is a little less than 1 in 8, according to the American Cancer Society. Both men and women can develop breast cancer. It is critical to get regular screenings and maintain overall good health in order to prevent breast problems such as breast cancer. Here is a list of other things you can do.

  1. Perform monthly breast self-exams – This is your chance to take an active role in your breast health and prevention.
  2. Receive regular mammograms – This is especially important for those with one or more risk factors and those over a certain age. Click here for more information about screening guidelines for women.
  3. Wear a properly fit bra – Use a sports bra for exercising and make sure you are measured properly for the best fit for any bra.
  4. Maintain a safe weight and avoid obesity
  5. Exercise regularly - The American Heart Association recommends that individuals do moderate exercise for at least 150 minutes per week, or 75 minutes per week of vigorous exercise.
  6. Reduce fat intake and eat fruits, vegetables and other high fiber foods - Click here to find healthy recipes
  7. Keep alcohol consumption to a minimum - Alcohol is considered a macronutrient in that it provides energy (about 7 calories per gram). The equivalent of a 1-ounce shot of liquor is approximately 80 to 90 calories.
  8. Stop smoking - Smoking is the main culprit in heart disease, strokes, bronchitis and emphysema, and gastric ulcers and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and various diseases including breast cancer.

If you have any symptoms of breast cancer, such as a mass, changes in skin or nipple, nipple discharge, changes in the size or shape or pain, you should speak to your doctor. Also, it you have a personal history of breast, ovarian or colon cancer; a family history; or have no children or your first child after age 30, be sure to follow the guidelines for an increased risk of breast cancer.

If you need help finding a doctor, let us help make an appointment today.