Breastfeeding gives your baby the best start. It also provides numerous benefits for you and your baby. Our highly qualified team is equipped to answer your questions. We also provide the guidance you need to meet your breastfeeding goals.
Breastfeeding Classes
Get a head start on successful nursing. This class is taught by the same board-certified lactation consultants that will assist you and your baby during your hospital stay. You’ll learn about the normal behavior of infants, how to care for yourself and how to know if your baby is getting enough milk. As with all our classes, you are welcome to bring your partner or support person. Sign up for classes. Cost – $25
Our Experts
Each of our experts has trained as International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLC). That means you’ll have knowledge and know-how at your side to help you along the way. It also means you’ll receive up-to-date breastfeeding guidance and support by a caring team. We are committed to continued education and the latest evidence-based research.
Help During Your Stay
Along with our certified lactation consultants, your nurses are also skilled in support and are available around the clock to provide the tools and help you need. If your baby is in the NICU, you will have access to Medela Symphony electric breast pumps. You’ll learn about hand expression, breastfeeding diaries, pumping and milk supply.
Free Breastfeeding Consultation
Because breastfeeding takes practice, you may have questions after you go home. Our free consultation service allows you to return with your baby to address any breastfeeding concerns. Whether you have questions about getting a good latch or need advice about returning to work while breastfeeding, our lactation consultants are here to help you. You can call with questions or schedule an appointment at 865-305-9337.