Life is hard on your neck. A combination of aging, weight fluctuations, sun damage, and heredity can make your neck look older than the rest of you. It’s frustrating. But it’s not hopeless.
University Aesthetic Plastic Surgery is among the most highly regarded cosmetic medical practices anywhere. Board-certified in plastic surgery and highly experienced plastic surgeon Dr. Wesley G. Wilson invites you to schedule a consultation to determine if neck lift surgery is right for you.
What is neck lift surgery?
Neck lift surgery is a procedure offered to both women and men who wish to improve the appearance of their necks. The surgery removes excess skin and fat around your jawline that often results in a “saggy” neck.
A platysmaplasty is a type of neck lift that just removes fat and tightens muscle from a smaller incision under the chin. A patient must have good skin tone to do a neck lift in this manner. A consultation with Dr. Wilson can clearify what is right for you.
Neck Lift Benefits
Neck lift surgery can help you get rid of that double chin or “turkey wattle neck,” restoring a tight, smooth, and youthful appearance. Oh, and goodbye jowls, too! Neck lift surgery provides long-lasting results and a short recovery time. Both women and men can benefit significantly from neck lift surgery. The procedures differ only in that men’s underlying muscles are generally thicker and more robust than women’s.
Am I a good candidate for neck lift surgery?
You should be in overall good health. Smokers may be disqualified. At the least, you’ll be directed to stop smoking for a specified time before and after your surgery. You should count on missing at least some routine activities after your procedure for a few weeks. There are no firm age restrictions, but most neck lift surgery patients are between 40 and 80. Since neck lift surgery involves some “stretching,” patients should have some remaining elasticity in their neck skin.
Neck Lift Procedure
Before scheduling your neck lift, the surgeon you have chosen will review your complete medical history and conduct a stringent screening. You will need to provide a list of all supplements and medications you are taking, and you will be directed to suspend use of any substance that can elevate bleeding, such as aspirin. Again, smoking is a no-no for a period before and after your neck lift, and it’s also a good idea to limit your use of alcohol during that same time frame.
The surgery is performed at UT Day Surgery on the first floor in the same building as University Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. The operation typically takes between two and three hours. Many procedures require general anesthesia, but some may be performed using local anesthesia and sedation. Surgical incisions are made carefully and discreetly. Using surgical instruments often combined with liposuction, Dr. Wilson will remove excess fat and skin from your neck while tightening and restructuring underlying muscles and tissues.
Neck Lift Recovery
For at least the first day after your surgery, you’ll need some help at home. Plan to spend a couple of days in bed. As mentioned, you will experience some short-term bruising and swelling. Your doctor will monitor your discomfort and will prescribe pain medication as appropriate. Generally, you’ll be able to return to a sedentary job in a week, but you should avoid heavy lifting and strenuous physical activity for up to a month.
Neck Lift Results
Patience is a virtue. The complete benefits of your neck lift will not be immediately apparent. Don’t get me wrong, you will see an immediate difference but your final results may take up to six months to achieve. But most patients feel it’s “worth the wait” as they regain a more youthful and attractive neck. Any post-surgical scarring is typically minimal and inconspicuous.