What is Tummy Tuck surgery?
Creating a flatter, tighter tummy is the goal in plastic surgery of the abdomen. Abdominal contouring can be performed using various techniques depending on the quality of your skin, the amount and location of abdominal fat, and the looseness of your abdominal wall muscles. When localized fat is the cause of the abdominal bulge, and the skin and muscles are not loose, liposuction is the solution, and the incisions of a tummy tuck are not needed.
A tummy tuck or abdominoplasty involves the surgical removal of excess fat and the abdomen’s stretched, loose, and sagging skin. The rectus abdominus muscles weakened and separated by pregnancy or weight gain are tightened, restoring the body profile to a more youthful and fit appearance.
What are the benefits of Tummy Tuck surgery?
Achieving and maintaining a firm and slender waistline is a challenge for almost everybody. Diet and exercise alone are often insufficient. Tummy Tuck surgery, combined with an ongoing effort to avoid weight gain, can boost your appearance and self-confidence.
How does Tummy Tuck Surgery work?
A full tummy tuck requires a horizontal incision in the area at the pubic hairline as low as possible on the tummy extending laterally. Incision length is mainly dependent on the amount of excess skin to be removed. The angle of the incision is placed to be hidden behind the type of fashions that the patient desires to wear. After the incision is made, the skin and fat are elevated up past the navel to the ribs.
A full tummy tuck or abdominoplasty is indicated when loose skin and bulge from weakened muscle are present both above and below the navel. The abdominal wall is tightened by suturing the muscles together. The excess or loose skin is retracted inferiorly and removed at the incision line. The skin between the low incision extending up to just above the navel is the amount of skin usually removed in a tummy tuck. The majority of stretch marks lie in this area of abdominal skin and are removed with the tummy tuck. A small incision is then made to bring the navel back out into the correct position and the lower abdominal incision closed.
A mini tummy tuck utilizes a smaller incision, removes less skin, and tightens only the skin and muscle from the navel inferiorly. A mini tummy tuck does not improve the upper abdomen but works great to correct problems in the lower abdomen from loose skin or an uneven C-section scar.
Choosing the right surgeon
Selecting the right plastic surgeon for your Tummy Tuck procedure is the most important decision you will make in pursuing safe, effective, and satisfying results from your Tummy Tuck. Dr. Wesley G. Wilson possesses the training, the technical surgical precision, and an eye for aesthetics that have made him an elite-level plastic surgeon.
Am I a good candidate for Tummy Tuck Surgery?
Most adults are excellent candidates. But a tummy tuck might not be for you if you plan to lose a lot of weight or are thinking about a future pregnancy. Chronic conditions such as heart disease or diabetes can be disqualifying, as can a high body mass index (BMI). Smoking is discouraged if you are considering a tummy tuck. Your doctor may order lab tests to further assess your fitness for surgery.
Preparing for your Tummy Tuck
Depending on your general health and medical history you may need clearance from your primary care physician. You may also need lab work. This will be discussed at your consultation. If you smoke, you will be directed to stop. Avoid the use of aspirin or any other drug or supplement that may elevate bleeding. You’ll need to abstain from food and drink after midnight before your surgery. Be sure to arrange for someone to drive you home after your procedure and stay with you for at least the first night of your recovery at home.
Tummy Tuck procedure
Your procedure may be performed in a hospital or an ambulatory surgical facility. Typically, tummy tuck surgery takes between two and four hours. You will be administered general anesthesia. After your procedure, you will be taken to a post-operative recovery area. Drains are usually placed to remove fluid from the surgery area and speed up healing. Pain medication will be prescribed as appropriate. In many cases, you can go home the day of your surgery, but your doctor may recommend an overnight hospital stay.
Tummy Tuck Recovery
You’ll need to take it easy for a few weeks. You’ll be shown how to empty and care for your drains until they are removed. Be prepared to wear a support garment (usually an abdominal binder) for up to six weeks following your surgery. While many patients can safely and comfortably go back to a desk job within two weeks, more strenuous jobs may require additional “downtime.”
Tummy Tuck Results
Immediately following your surgery, your body will look much different from your final results. Your swelling will subside as you heal, and your surgical scar will start to fade. Full recovery and results can take six months or more. To optimize your results, it’s important that you avoid large weight fluctuations.
We, here at University Aesthetic Plastic Surgery cannot wait to see you. Call us today for a consultation about tummy tucks. We are all about you!