Getting ready for the birth of your baby can be exciting and hectic. Learn more about what to expect when you arrive in our Labor & Delivery unit.
Pregnant Patient Resources
- The Complete Guide to Pregnancy
- The Complete Guide to Pregnancy en español
- Childbirth Preparation Classes
- Pre-admission Registration
Birth is a team sport where you are the captain. You will be supported by your team of providers, nurses, and support people, at the center of the team — it is your body and your birth.
Click here for more information.
Labor & Delivery Virtual Tour
Where to Go
Labor & Delivery is located on the third floor of the Boling/East Pavilion (the tallest building on our campus). The East elevators are directly across from the coffee shop in the main lobby. Take these to the third floor and follow the signs to Labor & Delivery. You will pick up the phone at the locked entrance and the nurses will direct you to a private OB Triage room for evaluation.
OB Emergency Department
OB Emergency Department is made up of 5 private rooms in the Labor and Delivery Department. It serves as the obstetric emergency room to evaluate pregnancy problems or to confirm active labor before you are admitted. Your doctor will tell you when to go to our OB emergency department for evaluation and one support person may accompany you at this time. You may be evaluated in a private room and sent home for follow up care with your regular doctor or you may be admitted for continued care. Once you move to an LDR Suite (Labor, Delivery, Recovery) you can have up to four visitors with physician approval.