Benefits of brow lift surgery
The face usually portrays the first visible signs of aging. Gravity and changes in eyebrow shape and position and the development of frown lines in the forehead result in an old and aged look. They are looking for ways to refresh and rejuvenate their appearance. There are many different variations of the Brow Lift or Forehead Lift procedure that improve the position and shape of the eyebrow and forehead areas. Elevating the brow removes the heavy, tired and weary look and erases frown lines in the forehead. Ultimately, the Brow Lift will allow you to turn back the hands of time to better reflect your youthful spirit.
Most people age first around the eyes and brows. Reversing the signs of aging may start with a brow lift before the need for facelift surgery or may be done in conjunction with a facelift. Although brow lifts have been performed for many years, recent advancements in plastic surgery have developed new ways of performing these procedures that lead to longer-lasting results.
How does brow lift surgery work?
Brow lift surgery, sometimes known as forehead rejuvenation, is designed to improve your appearance by raising your brows. Sagging brows shorten the distance between your eyebrows and eyelashes. That can make you look tired, sad, or even angry. Brow lift surgery can take years off your face, making you appear more approachable and alert. Results typically last a decade or longer. Surgical incisions are hidden, and scarring is minimal. You should be able to go home the day of your procedure and go back to work in a week to ten days.

Are you a good candidate for brow lift surgery?
Anyone or a combination of the following conditions may indicate that you are a good candidate for lift:
crow’s feet
deep horizontal creases across the forehead
sagging or low position of the eyebrows, creating a tired or sad appearance
frown lines, or furrows, between the eyebrows and sometimes across the top of the nose
A brow lift is not a facelift or a neck lift, although it is possible to combine any of these procedures. A brow lift addresses only the upper third of your face. While there are no rigid age restrictions, brow lift candidates are typically between 30 and 50. Non-smokers are preferred candidates.
Risks and side effects
Brow lift comes with risks, as does any surgery. They include but are not limited to infection, excessive bleeding or scarring, complications from anesthesia, and allergic reactions to medications and materials. Brow lift surgery can cause facial asymmetry and possible loss of hair at incision sites.
Selecting a surgeon
Picking the right surgeon is the most important decision to get the safe results you want—surgical experience matters. Your surgeon should be eager to show you “before and after” pictures of brow lift patients.
Preparing for your brow lift
You and your surgeon will carefully review your complete medical history. You may undergo a physical exam, including some routine tests. If you smoke, you’ll be directed to stop for a specified period before and after your procedure. You will also need to suspend the use of any medicines or supplements that may promote bleeding, such as aspirin. Make sure you have someone to drive you home after your brow lift and that you have arranged for some help at home for a couple of days.
Brow Lift Procedure
Your procedure requires general anesthesia. Surgery is done in a hospital or outpatient facility and usually takes less than two hours. Today, two principal methods lift the brows: an open “traditional” brow lift and an endoscopic brow lift. The surgical technique recommended by your surgeon will depend on the position of your brows, the degree of forehead skin excess, the depth of the forehead wrinkles, and the position of your hairline.
In the open “traditional” method for a brow lift, an incision is made across the top of the scalp, beginning above the ears and hidden within the hair. For patients with altered hairlines due to hair loss, incisions can be made immediately in front of the hairline. In both cases, the incisions are designed to be inconspicuous when completely healed. The incision allows the surgeon to partially remove or alter muscles that cause unwanted frown lines, re-drape and remove excess forehead skin, smoothing the forehead, and elevate the brows into a more aesthetically appealing position.
Dr. Wilson rarely uses this long, large incision. Using the endoscopic technique for a brow lift, five short incisions are made in select positions on the scalp. An endoscope (a pencil-thin telescope with a camera attached to one end) is inserted into one incision and displays images on a television monitor. The surgeon then uses specially designed instruments to access the underlying forehead muscles and underlying structures through the other incision sites. The muscles and tissues are altered, and the brows are then repositioned and secured through various permanent or dissolving anchoring mechanisms. The skin incisions are then closed with smaller and far less noticeable incisions with beautiful results.
When the muscles that create the wrinkles are disrupted and the brow elevated to its youthful position, the results are astonishing.
Brow Lift Recovery
Recovery is typically manageable, with patients only complaining of a slight headache. Bruising may be present around the eyes for a week and some swelling for up to two weeks. You can resume showering a day or two after your procedure. Most patients can return to work in ten days or less, but it’s a good idea to avoid strenuous physical activity for at least two weeks.
Brow Lift Results
You’ll see apparent results as soon as your swelling subsides. Your brow will look smoother and brighter. Eyes look more open and brighter. There should be no visible scarring once you have healed. You can optimize and prolong your results through diet, exercise, and daily use of sunscreen.
A sagging, furrowed brow can give others the wrong impression of you. A brow lift can enhance your appearance, your confidence, your enjoyment of life and can help show the world the “real you.”